Stop going up in weight!

Stop going up in weight!

Do you always use weight as a measurement you are improving I want you to follow these valuable tips to progress in a different way. Before you do anything it is important to know how to gauge the difficulty of the exercise.


Rate Of Perceived Exertion is you deciding how difficult the set was. An example, after you first set, rate how difficult the exercise was from 0-10. If it was quite challenging, try not to think about adding weight....try these tips before moving 

1. Perfecting technique

Something that can be missed out when getting stronger is improving the technique. Work on making sure all your reps are as clean and good form as possible.

2. Tempo

While there is no set speed you must move the weight, you can look at slowing down the time under tension to place more tension on the desired muscle.

3. Pause reps

Pause reps are great way to get the weight under control. Some people call it a dead pause, but you essentially stop at the top of exercise while keeping tension (Pausing at the bottom of the squat). This can be 1-3 seconds.

4. Shorter rest time

Improve how well your body can adapt to the exercise by shortening the rest time by 10 seconds.

5. Deficit

This is an advanced technique however can improve the stretch and tension place on the muscle (deadlift standing on a weight) Only apply this if you have good range of motion to begin with.

6. 1.5 reps

1.5 reps essentially means coming half way through the rep then coming back to the start to complete a full rep (Pulse lunges)This I find is the most challenging of techniques. 

7. Range of motion

Make sure you are apply full range throughout the exercise. I would do an extra rep if I did not perform a full rep range.

8. Band assisted

Bands are becoming very popular, so why not make them part of the resistance throughout the exercise. You will find you are more locked into the movement when added.

If you are looking to improve your training and take it to the next level, get in touch via here or head to my website

Have a great day
