BMI vs Body Fat
We all like to know how certain body stats relate to our health. But the one that stands out to many is BODY FAT! No matter how little you have, we would just want to get rid of it all!
So what your thoughts about BMI (Body mass index)?
BMI is typically used in medical terms to give a subjective view of a patient. The range is from underweight to obese. When we get told our BMI most people tend not to panic. So what is more important? What really tells more about your health?
What is the ideal range for Bruneians?
South East Asia has a different chart to the western world. Due to the average height and weight of the population it has a lower range. See the chart below.
Male and female normal range - 18.5- 22.9
How do I work out my BMI?
Weight (kg) / height (m) / height (m)
An example
70kg / 1.65 / 1.65 = 25.7 OVERWEIGHT (Asian criteria)
When should I check my BMI?
It shouldn't be as important as your body fat measurement, so I suggest every 3-6 months. This is due to the big range in the chart.
Can a BMI be misleading?
Yes it can. If the person was a packed full of muscle it would represent they are overweight. But they technically wouldn't be.
Body fat
Body fat is the percentage of fat in the body to muscles, bone and water. Women are found to have higher body fat than men. When it comes to body fat you can make more judgement to whether a person could be; obese, diabetic or stressed. If the person has high levels of body fat there could be potential risk to cardiovascular disease.
On the flip side if someone has low body fat, it could show that the person is really lean and athletic or has low muscle mass and maybe suffering from anorexia.
What is the ideal range for male and female?
Male - Normal range is between 15-20%
Female - Normal range is between 22-30%
What is the best way to lose body fat?
Start by eating healthy nutritional meals that you can sustain long term with controlling food portions. You will start to lower the calories your body needs. Add exercising regularly up to 30 minutes a day to aid a higher calorie expenditure. Be patient and allow your body to adapt and burn fat effectively.
How do I calculate my body fat?
There are a few ways but there is no 100% accurate way to work it out. So the chart below is a guideline for you to mirror against your own body. Other options are the electronic feet scanners that send pulses through your feet (it does not hurt).
When should I measure your body fat?
If your on a weight gain/loss journey is it important to track progress. So I recommend every 2 week max.
BMI is a understanding of a vague picture of a person. Knowing your body fat can give a clearer picture of health related risk a person may have. Speak to your local doctor or a medical professional to assess your medical health.
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