Why should women lift?

Why women should lift!

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As a male personal trainer it is very hard to convince the non-believer female, that using weight will contribute to a better body. To tell a female they might not lose weight as fast - in replace can have toner curves; this can be the biggest stumbling block to prove the benefits of lifting weights.

"Building muscle is not just looking like a bodybuilder, but the adaptation of the body to withstand the demands of daily life- This is called functional training"

So I will pretend I am a female personal trainer and advise why you should lift weights to look better naked, and lose body fat in the process.

As most women like to focus on cardio, good nutrition and booty exercise. The argument I have is; women enjoy doing just cardio. If this is the case I want you to keep doing whatever makes you feel happy.

For the people who want to lose weight however, there can only be so much cardio you can do till eventually hit a plateau.

Facts - To lose 1-2 lbs a week you need to be burning or in a calorie deficit of 1400-1600kcal weekly.

So after you have lost your desired weight you can either lose more and have no muscle mass or look to add muscle mass to your body to achieve better curves. For those who are starting their weight loss journey you may lose the weight but by the end there can be excess skin that you will struggle to get rid off.

 Below is one of my clients from the UK. Sareena enjoyed lifting weights to promote a better body composition. Both pictures are of a similar weight but you can clearly see the difference strength training had. Check out her testimonial

Have I convinced you yet? Ok, answer this...

Does the body rely on fat to move around or muscle?

Hopefully you got that one right...both men and women require muscles to live their daily. Muscles holds up the skeletal bones against the force of gravity. So the stronger your muscles, you will have more ability to move freely in everyday life.

I hope I have almost convinced you. If not this should.

What exercises can I do?

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Most women are stronger on the front and weak at the back. So it would be beneficial for them to strengthen the posterior chain. Below are posterior chain exercises.

  • Kettle-bell swings
  • Seated leg curls
  • Deadlifts
  • Leg press
  • Lat pull down
  • Seated rows
  • Dips

Speak to a personal trainer if you are unsure so you are doing the exercise correctly. To gain confidence you want to be building muscle safely and effectively.

Can I do cardio with lifting?

You can definitely include cardio with strength training. Make sure it is all related to your goals and speak to someone who can advice you on the best steps to make you goal. I would suggest doing cardio at the end of your workout -you should be focusing all your energy on getting stronger. You can also do cardio separately on different days.

Facts -Fat has a bigger density than muscle, however muscle weighs more than fatRelated image

Do I have to just lift weights?

Not at all, there are other methods of building muscle.

  • Resistance bands exercise
  • Bodyweight exercises
These are my favourite approaches to get women getting stronger. Another option is water based exercises.

Still not convinced you? Ok, heres a list of what building can improve for a female.

What else can building muscle improve?

Hormone production

Women have a more complex body than men. So lifting weights can help the glands to work more productively and better.

Lower back pain

Lower back pain is on off the major issues women suffer with. This is a result of bad posture and weaker muscles. So strengthening key muscles can help cure the pain.

Upper back issues

Tight shoulder, headaches and breathing problems are related to weak upper muscles. So adding exercises to level out the skeletal muscle so the body is not imbalanced.


Women who I have trained with all gain empowerment that makes them feel like a dominate woman. They feel stronger and more confident in achieving things they thought they never could do before.


Unlike cardio, strength training (if done correctly) can improve general posture with the client linking to above of helping upper and lower back pain.

Energy levels

You find once you have recovered from a session, you will have more energy.

Burns fat faster

Yes this is true, building muscles helps burn fat fast and continues burning longer as opposed to cardio. You will also see an improvement in your metabolism

Eat more

Nobody wants to eat little. But once you start building more, you will need to include more calories in your diet. That doesn't chocolate everyday, but you can have more of you healthy meals.

Can I lift pre and post pregnancy?

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Firstly consult your doctor or midwife if you are looking to continue or start an exercise programme during or post pregnancy. Once you have been cleared, I would say it would be the most beneficial thing you do along with healthy nutrition to support you and your babies health.


The body is going to under a lot of demand, so it will need to be able to withstand the extra weight. You are likely going to have a lot of back pain symptoms. Some women want to control their weight gain as well. Its important you have strong muscles to support you both. It is recommend that, if you are considering planning a baby, think about implementing a exercise programme to support your pregnancy.

"Would you rather sit around being lazy and have weak posterior(all muscles at the back) muscles while pregnant, or build muscle and boost energy levels to support you and the baby"?

What exercises would I be doing?

Pre or planning pregnancy 

You would be looking to build a strong lower back, glutes, hamstrings and also upper body. So exercises like; lat pull downs, glute bridges, lunges.


You will be limited to your movement but seated exercise and standing exercises will be the focus. Don't worry you won't be rolling around on the floor or jumping around.


Depending on your recovery, you may special instructions to give your trainer to plan around. It will be mostly light activities like walking/jogging, small movements in case of any pain.

When do I come back to exercise after my pregnancy?

This is to be discussed with the doctor or the midwife. Take your time coming back to exercise, its worth noting exercising post pregnancy help reduce depression, poor motivation and importantly getting the body back to normal function.

*Fitness Zone in Serusop is a female only gym from 6am - 4pm that has excellent facilities to support females in programming their goals.


Lifting wieghts does not make you look massive. It is important to build muscle with a healthy nutritional balanced lifestyle that you can sustain. Lots of vegetables, protein, carbs and fats

I may have rambled on a bit on this topic, but I know there is more to a females body that men can not relate to. It is important I cover as much as I can to help you realise, by just looking great but feeling great. If you enjoyed this post or have any more questions leave a comment or get in contact with me.

If you like this, check out what women should do on their menstrual cycle

Have a wonderful day.


