Benefits of protein

Benefits of protein

What is protein?

Protein is one of the key macronutrients the body needs to survive. Protein is built by compound of amino acids. There are 20 amino acids the body needs. The body produces 12, and we need the other 8 from foods.

Where can you get protein from?


Is protein powder bad?

Since I have been working in the gym I have been trying to change the way people see protein powder. 

"It is steroids"?

"Is it actually protein"?

Protein powder is broken down and filtered from whole foods to which are separated to fats, protein and carbs. (An example of this is milk - whey protein)

Protein powder is perfect for people who have to eat on the go, also it is another way to consume adequate amounts of protein daily. 

What protein powder should you buy?

The main types of protein powders are concentrated and isolate. Concentrate is filtered less and will have more fat and carbs. So the protein powder can contain 50-80% protein. The best choice is protein isolate 80-90% protein.

What do I have protein powder with?

So depending on your goals, for instance you want to be in your limit of calorific needs while trying to consume adequate nutrient intake. 

Example 1. You could be trying to lose weight so having simply water can keep your calories in control.

Example 2. If you want to increase calories or macros you can add milk (allergy), fruits, nuts (pretty much whatever you like).

Protein powder is quite expensive!

Initially it is, however if you look at the amount per serving then you compare it to buying meat you will be probably saving. 

How much protein should I consume daily?

Male - 150g+ per day (average height & weight)
Female - 100g per day (average height & weight)

Here are top 6 reason why you should increase your protein

Repairs muscles

Main importance of muscle growth

Improved performance

Your muscles will be less sceptical to getting fatigued easily

Boost the metabolism along with strength training

The top food in weigh loss and fat loss


Protein supports weight management due to increase better blood sugar control. So if you are trying to lose weight you will feel fuller for longer. It is the main macronutrient most people look to consume when exercising. You can get protein from a variety of food sources.

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