When to workout during Ramadan?

When to work out during Ramadan?

Hi, I hope you are well? So I have been writing a lot about what to do during Ramadan, however I have not highlighted a generic guideline to help everyone keep on track with their fitness goals. So let's start by saying there is no set time to train. I will list a few things below to understand whether going to the gym is sustainable for you during Ramadan.

What is your number 1 priority?

- Religion?
- Gym?
- Family?
- Sleep?
- Food?
- Work?
- Studies?
- Personal?

What is most important to you during this time? If gym is not a high priority then you should not stress about making the gym. I would write this down as a numerical list, so you can structure you lifestyle around what matters most.

Gym is important to me! (Your top 3)

Now you can start planning around what is the best time for yourself to train while maintaining good mental health. If gym is in your top 3, look at the best times you can train and commit consistently. 

How many day should I train?

Try to keep to what you was doing before. Look at how many hours you sleep daily. If you need more sleep, drop a day working out I would prioritise that.

I can only train in the day?

If you can only train during the day that is fine. What you have to be aware of, will you have enough energy to consistently do it? 

What should be my intensity?

You want to intensity to be at the lower end to start with. If you felt you could increase the intensity, only up it 5-10% 

This a precaution as I dont want you fainting. If you can cope with a high intensity by all means apply your same routine. 

Evening is the only time I can exercise

For most people they will train in the evening anyway. Look to have a snack 1 hour before (simple carbohydrates and protein). This will give you the boos of energy you need to perform your workout.

I feel tired in the evening 

Most likely when people get home they don't feel motivated to go to the gym. What you may find easier doing is a home workout. If you find your energy levels are low, look to have more sleep.

What exercises should I be doing?

This totally depends on your goals. For weight loss continue to play the calories out vs calories in game (burn more than you consume), Cardio, HiiT, High reps strength training.

Maintaining muscle or gaining muscle is the hardest thing I have found. Some peoples metabolism my be slow so the do not burn muscle as quick. Train heavy and with good volume. It is important you hit a calorie surplus or maintenance. Make sure protein is your main source. If you have any specific questions please contact me. 

How do I lose weight if I can not make the gym?

This is based on your daily activities levels, food choices the day before and the amount of sleep you get. If all these are well maintained then you may not need to go gym. If you need more calories output you may want to consider a home workout. 

How do I drop body fat?

Lucky for you, during Ramadan your doing a similar diet; intermittent fasting. More likely you will be in a calorie deficit,  so the main thing is to increase your strength training to whatever you can handle with having nutritional meals to help achieve fast result. Get in contact with me to receive a meal template.

What is best to eat pre, post workout?

First getting enough fluid in before your workout is important (after you break). Next is to get your sugar levels up through simple carbohydrates such as fruits. If you want to make a smoothie or a shake mixed with protein you can. This can be done 1-2 hours before. If you have a meal I would advise 2-3 hours. Post workout you want to again replenish your sugar levels as you have been training hard. This does not have to be a big meal.


The best time to workout depends on the individual.  Assess what is important to you during Ramadan. You may find gym is not for you around this month.  Maintain similar gym routines but make sure you monitor your energy levels.

