Trigger tips to boost your motivation
Probably the biggest reason people can not stick to a goal or feel the need to achieve something will be because they do not feel motivated enough. Why this happens is down to a number of factors, but I will share with you some tricks I use for myself and clients to help re-motivate them to the next level.
1. Find your WHY
The main thing you want to find when you are losing motivation, is going back to the reason why you started. If the reason is strong enough and it means a lot to you it will lead to realigning your focus. If you are starting your fitness journey try not to just use fat loss or weight loss as the trigger. Find what the value to losing the weight/fat could do to your life.
2. Use the haters
Even though we should be achieving a goal for yourself, there will be people that have doubted you in the past that can fire you up to pushing you though the next gym session. A good trick I use the person who does not believe you can achieve anything, hear their voice after each exercise.3.Find a new workout
Changing your workout to something new or adding something else into your programme. It may just need a bit of freshening up to stimulate the brain.4. Socialise with like minded people
Find people who have similar goals, most people need to see others achieving the same goal to keep them aligned to their goals. Join classes or even charity events.
5. Bereavement / illness
Some people get inspired when they see family members health change because of a lifestyle choice. So maybe seeing someone in you family be unhealthy is a cue to show them that you can begin a healthier lifestyle, which could encourage them to do the same
6. Make the commitment
If you need to pay the full gym it! If you're considering personal training and the programme is 3 it! Often second guessing things leads to not taking action.Summary
Some people know how to get in shape, others won't even know where to begin. What is set the same for everyone is finding the motivation to get it done. If you do struggle to get motivated these are great to reignite the fire.
Have a great day
p.s If you need extra motivation or you need to discuss the next steps to your health and fitness goals, book a FREE consultation with me.
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