Why you are over doing it in the gym

Why you are over doing it in the gym

It is always nice to see the bigger picture about everything, the other side of the coin. So being healthy and looking great is what we all want. However there may be some cases where there are signs you could be over doing it. 

Unless your goal is strategically planned, sometimes, you will end up going to the gym to achieve a specific goal, but it impacts negatively on you and others around you. So to help see if you are not over doing it in the gym, I have listed 6 things you could consider.

1. Your goal is not mapped out

It is great you are regularly coming to the gym, but I ask you, do you know a specific timeline you want to reach a certain goal. Mapping out your goal can give you a clearer timeline, to know when you can expect to reach your goals. You must factor in holidays, work, family events.

2. Stressed

Eat, work, gym, sleep, repeat sounds quite simple, I have live by this method. However, when I am stressed something needs to give. Stress can occur from work, family commitments like children or an illness. It puts more pressure on the body also.  Looking at why you may be stressed and seeing if you need a break from the gym can make you come back feeling refreshed.

3. Impacting on family life

If you are neglecting your loved ones and spending way too much time at the gym, rather than valuable time with the family. I would ask you "who would you want to spend more quality time with?"

4. Tired

If you are constantly tired, you will need to be aware of this. Your results at the gym will suffer, your work efficiency will drop and mood in general will be difficult to be around. 

5. No rest day

So what does a rest day mean to you? One day off? Light cardio? Your body may need more than one simple day off, so you may need to consider if you need to increase a rest day. Remember the body does not like stress!

6. No change 

"If nothing changes, nothing changes". This quote is very helpful for you when you don't see any results. If you are constantly doing the same routine and even doing more to try beat plateau you may need some advise on what you can do to make a change.


The reason to this blog is to make you aware that you do not need to come to the gym 5,6,7 times a week to see results. It is often the ones who have a healthy life balance who have the best sustainable results long term. 

I have created simple 3 & 4 day programmes that can allow you to create that lifestyle balance you truly want while being fit and healthy. If this is something that interests you, drop me an email or head to my website to check out a programme that suits your goals.


Have a great day
