Beginners weight loss tips
Your about to get serious about losing weight, you've decided you are going to give it 100%. But wait, you don't know where to start!?
Firstly I want to say is....'Don't cut down your calories to a ridiculous low amount'!
Secondly...get out your head off spending long hours in the gym doing cardio.
It is time to work smarter not harder.
So I am going to give you my tips to losing weight for beginners.
1. Focus on health
In your first 1-2 week you will excited about the journey. My question to you is...."Are you focused on health first before weight loss"?
We all know the concept of exercising more, while cutting your food down (exercise & nutrition is more specific than this) to lose weight. But do you want to be feeling:
-More energetic
-Not fearful of food groups (carbs)
-Better lifestyle balance
Yes, focus on dropping kilos weekly, but you health marker have more reference to how you will be able sustain long term weight loss.
2. Replace processed for fruit and veg.
Now your thinking more about health, it is time to clear out the processed foods, high sugar and salt consumption foods. It is time to begin to make better health choices in terms of nutrition. You can start adding in more fruits and vegetables into your lifestyle.
3. Steps, Steps, Steps
If you know me, I am a big fan of increasing steps per day. I believe everyone should be active throughout the day as our bodies are designed to move. In Brunei, it is more difficult to move so my realistic steps target for someone to achieve is 3-5,000 steps per day. If you can do more, great!
4. Don't be scared of carbs and healthy fats
I will keep this one short and simple, you body needs essential fats for hormone functions, vital vitamins. Plus the body needs carbs for energy. As long as you are in a calorie deficit and eating a balance between fats, and carbs you will be fine.
5. Protein is king
The main concept you need to follow is....have I got protein as the main macronutrient on my plate. Protein has the highest thermogenic response on the body out of all the macronutrients. That means it requires the most energy to break the food down. Plus, is a key essential to holding any muscle you have.
6. Strength train then cardio
As I am a fat loss coach, my main focus to helping someone lose weight, while increasing lean muscle tissue. That also means I want your cardiovascular system to be working more efficiently so you burn fat better. You will see faster results not only on the scales but energy levels increase.
7. Do not rely on one
It is your journey so only you can live it, you will have people that will support you, but you will have to walk the walk. There will be hard days where you won't have the motivation. It is on these day that are the biggest test
8. One bad meal, one missed gym session
One bad meal does not make you fat, also one missed gym session won't lose your gains. Dust yourself down, focus on your next session or meal. Consistency is key to success.
If you are beginning to lose weight and you do not know where to start, please drop me a message and I will be more than happy to give you my tips.
Have a great day
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